4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

The trigger system of the NUCLEON space experiment

6 Sept 2016, 16:30
1h 45m
Torino Esposizioni (Torino Esposizioni)

Torino Esposizioni

Torino Esposizioni

Board: 36
poster Cosmic Rays below the knee (CR I) Poster


Mr Artur Tkachenko (JINR)


The NUCLEON detector is in orbit since December 2014 and measuring energy spectrum of Cosmic Ray (CR) and charge composition at 100 GeV – 1000 TeV and Z = 1-30 respectively. The NUCLEON apparatus structure and operation, including the scintillator trigger system are described. Using the detector simulation program the systematic uncertainties in CR energy spectra and charge composition are discussed.

Primary author

Mr Artur Tkachenko (JINR)

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