4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Temperature effect observed by the Nagoya muon telescope.

6 Sept 2016, 16:30
1h 45m
Torino Esposizioni (Torino Esposizioni)

Torino Esposizioni

Torino Esposizioni

Board: 7
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Dr Artem Abunin (IZMIRAN)


The multidirectional muon telescope at Nagoya (35°09’N, 136°58’E) is the most successful at the point of construction multidirectional scintillation telescope. It is working since 1970 and has 17 independent directions: a vertical, on 4 inclined 30º, 49º and 64º and 4 azimuthal directions. The temperature coefficients for all the directions of the Nagoya muon telescope were obtained using three main methods for the temperature effect calculation: the effective temperature method, the mass-average temperature method and the Duperier method. Also, using the long-term data (from 1986 to 2013) of the Nagoya telescope the set of the yearly temperature coefficients was obtained and analyzed.

Primary author

Mrs Marina Berkova (IZMIRAN)


Dr Artem Abunin (IZMIRAN) Mr Maksim Preobrazhensky (IZMIRAN) Mrs Maria Abunina (IZMIRAN) Mr Sultan Karimov (IZMIRAN) Dr Viktor Yanke (IZMIRAN)

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