4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Systematic analysis of the properties of low energy cosmic ray air showers

6 Sept 2016, 16:30
1h 45m
Torino Esposizioni (Torino Esposizioni)

Torino Esposizioni

Torino Esposizioni

Board: 37
poster Poster


Dr Juan A. Garzon (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)


The recent development of affordable cosmic ray detectors, with both good timing and tracking capabilities, makes very interesting to analyze the possibility of introducing new observables for improving the identification of primary cosmic rays. For such a purpose, a systematic analysis of the properties of cosmic ray showers, induced by light, medium and heavy primaries, in the range of energies between 0.1 TeV and 1000 TeV has been initiated. The simulations are being done using the Corsika simulation program, at different altitudes and latitudes in different countries of Latin America: Mexico, Colombia and Peru.

Primary author

Dr Juan A. Garzon (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)


Ms Alejandra Parra (Univ. Benemerita de Puebla. Mexico) Ms Alma Morales (Univ. Benemerita de Puebla. Mexico) Ms Jazmin Perez (Univ. Juan de Castellanos, Tunja. Colombia) Prof. Jossitt Vargas (Univ. Juan de Castellanos, Tunja. Colombia) Prof. Oscar Martinez (Univ. Benemerita de Puebla. Mexico) Mr Sayri Tupac Garcia (Univ. Cusco, Peru)

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