04–09 set 2016
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Realistic estimation for the detectability of Dark Matter sub-halos in the 3FGL and 2FHL Fermi-LAT catalogs

8 set 2016, 12:15
Aula Blu (Torino Esposizioni)

Aula Blu

Torino Esposizioni

oral Parallel


Dr. MATTIA DI MAURO (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


The existence of Dark Matter (DM) is still one of the most challenging open problem in astrophysics. Indirect detection with gamma-rays is a promising way to try detecting this mysterious component of the Universe in the contest of a Weakly Interactive Massive Particle. N-body simulations predict that DM should produce sub-halos in our Galaxy. We use the most updated simulations that include baryonic feedback to give a realist prediction for the number of DM sub-halos detectable by Fermi-LAT catalog. We calculate the flux sensitivity for the detection of halos as a function of DM mass and Galactic latitude and we apply these results to the 3FGL and 2FHL Fermi-LAT catalogs.

Autore principale

Dr. MATTIA DI MAURO (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


Fiorenza Donato (TO) Francesca Calore (University of Amsterdam) Valentina De Romeri (IFT-UAM)

Materiali di presentazione