Meeting between INFN and JINR

INFN-Sezione di Pisa

INFN-Sezione di Pisa

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa
The 2015 meeting of the "Joint INFN-JINR Standing Committee" will be held in Pisa on October 12th. Every year delegations from INFN and JINR meet to evaluate the status of the collaboration among the two institutions, as specified in the framework agreement between the parties. This meeting will be held in the Rectory of the Pisa University. The JINR delegation will then visit the VIRGO laboratory the following morning on October 13th. In the afternoon of October 13th the JINR delegation will meet a delegation from the University of Pisa in the context of their cooperation on the history and legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo. This meeting will be followed by a series of historical and scientific talks on Bruno and his family, that will include the naming of a university conference room after the Pontecorvo brothers, Bruno, Gillo and Guido. These meetings will be held in the Aula Magna of the President building of the Physics Department.
Delegation Members
Detailed logistics for JINR delegates
Photo Oct. 13th
Photos Oct. 12th
  • Adalberto Giazotto
  • Angelo Maggiora
  • Federico Ferrini
  • Franco Bedeschi
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • Nadia Pastrone
  • Pasquale Di Nezza
  • Piero Spillantini
  • Richard Lednicky
  • Monday, October 12
    • 2:25 PM 8:30 PM
      Meeting INFN -JINR Sala Cherubini (Rectory of Pisa University)

      Sala Cherubini

      Rectory of Pisa University

      Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 56126 Pisa PI
      • 2:30 PM
        Welcome address from INFN Executive Board 5m Sala Cherubini

        Sala Cherubini

        Rectory of Pisa University

        Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 56126 Pisa PI
      • 2:35 PM
        Welcome address from University of Pisa 5m Sala Cherubini

        Sala Cherubini

        Rectory of Pisa University

        Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 56126 Pisa PI
      • 2:40 PM
        General scientific report on INFN activities 40m
        Speaker: Antonio Masiero (INFN)
      • 3:20 PM
        General scientific report on JINR activities 40m
        Speaker: Victor Matveev (JINR)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee Break 30m Sala Cherubini (Rectory of Pisa University)

        Sala Cherubini

        Rectory of Pisa University

        Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 56126 Pisa PI
      • 4:30 PM
        JINR: Scientific report on present and future common activities 45m
        Speaker: Grigory Trubnikov
      • 5:15 PM
        INFN: Scientific report on present and future CSN1 activities 30m
        Speaker: Nadia Pastrone (INFN)
      • 5:45 PM
        INFN: Scientific report on present and future CSN3 activities 30m Sala Cherubini

        Sala Cherubini

        Rectory of Pisa University

        Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 56126 Pisa PI
        Speaker: Pasquale Di Nezza (LNF)
      • 6:15 PM
        Executive session JINR - INFN Committee 45m
  • Tuesday, October 13
    • 9:30 AM 1:30 PM
      Visit to EGO - VIRGO Experiment 4h
      • Transfer from Pisa to EGO site 30m
      • The European Gravitational Observatory 30m
        Speaker: Federico Ferrini (European Gravitational Observatory)
      • The VIRGO experiment 30m
        Speaker: Franco Frasconi (PI)
      • Visit of VIRGO 1h 30m
      • Lunch on site 1h
      • Return to Pisa 30m
    • 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
      The implementation of the agreement on B. Pontecorvo scientific legacy (meeting between representatives of JINR and University of Pisa) 1h Area B. Pontecorvo, Aula Magna

      Area B. Pontecorvo, Aula Magna

      Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa
    • 4:00 PM 7:40 PM
      Remembering Bruno Pontecorvo and his family<br><small>Chaired by F. Fidecaro, Director, Physics Department, University of Pisa</small>
      • 4:00 PM
        Inauguration the Aula Magna of the "Area B. Pontecorvo" entitled to the Pontecorvo's brothers - Authorities addresses 20m
      • 4:20 PM
        Bruno Pontecorvo and his family 20m
        Speaker: Paolo ROSSI (Diparitimento di Fisica "E. Fermi" - Universita' di PISA)
      • 4:40 PM
        Work and life of Guido Pontecorvo 20m
        Speaker: Anna Rossi (Biology Department and Nuova Limonaia)
      • 5:00 PM
        Work and life of Gillo Pontecorvo 20m
        Speaker: Maurizio Ambrosini (Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere)
      • 5:20 PM
        The long journey of Bruno Pontecorvo from Pisa to Russia 20m
        Speaker: Marco Maria Massai (PI)
      • 5:40 PM
        The first years of Pontecorvo in Dubna 30m
        Speaker: Rino Castaldi (PI)
      • 6:10 PM
        The scientific heritage of Pontecorvo 30m
        Speaker: Alexander Olshevsky (JINR-Dubna)
      • 6:40 PM
        Personal recollections of relatives and friends of the Pontecorvo's family 40m