30 settembre 2014 a 3 ottobre 2014
C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario
RICAP-14 The Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics in Noto, Sicily, Italy

RICAP-14 will be the fifth edition of the RICAP Conference. Even if the acronym stands for Roma International Conference on Astro-Particle physics, the 2014 edition will be organized, for the first time, outside Roma. The Conference, entirely dedicated to the study of high energy cosmic rays, traditionally has been organized by the three public Universities of Roma (University “Roma Tre”, University “La Sapienza” and University “Tor Vergata”). The 2014 edition, organized by physicists of "Laboratori Nazionali del Sud" (INFN, Catania) will be held in Noto, a well known baroque town that in 2002 UNESCO inscribed on the World Heritage List as "representing the culmination and final flowering of Baroque art in Europe".
Previous Conference editions:
RICAP – 2007, May 22nd–24th, INFN and University "La Sapienza", Roma
RICAP – 2009, May 20th–22nd, INFN and University "Tor Vergata", Roma
RICAP – 2011, May 25th 27th, INFN and University "Roma Tre", Roma
RICAP – 2013, May 22nd–24th, INFN and University La Sapienza, Roma
C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy
The Conference will be organized with plenary and parallel talks. Poster sessions are also planned.


26 December 2014 - Deadline for submission of contributions to the proceedings has been extended to January 15 2015

26 September 2014 - Change in the location of the welcome cocktail of september 29 (New address is "Cantina Palazzo Modica, Via Nicolaci, Noto"); see the "social event" page for more detail

1 September 2014 - Abstract submission deadline has been extended up to Friday 5th September