Eytan Domany
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
12/9/15, 2:30 PM
I will present a “systems approach” to analysis of high throughput large cancer datasets. The basic idea is to make use of existing knowledge, taking the golden path between “ignorance-based” machine learning approaches and the “all details are essential” view of many biologists. This philosophy [1] has been implemented in Pathifier – an algorithm that infers pathway deregulation scores for...
Roberto Benzi
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Univ. di Roma "Tor Vergata")
12/9/15, 3:40 PM
Many materials around us respond elastically to small applied stresses, but flow once a threshold stress (the yield stress) is exceeded. This is the case for food products, powders, cosmetics, foams, etc… It turns out that understanding the yield stress transition in these materials, often called soft glasses, is a challenging question. Similar to structural glasses, soft glasses exhibit aging...
Alessandro Vezzani
12/9/15, 4:10 PM
We apply to neural networks dynamics on on random massive networks the hetherogeneous mean field approach which has been originally developed for epidemic and social systems. In particular we focus on leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with short-term plasticity evidencing that for large enough connectivity the method provides a good descriptoin of the full network dynamics. Then we analyze in...
silvia morante
(department of physics University of Rome Tor Vergata)
12/9/15, 5:00 PM
The simultaneous development of new algorithms and powerful computers together with more and more advanced experimental techniques, is opening a new era where numerical and experimental approaches will be synergistically employed to make us understanding phenomena until recently unattainable.
I will highlight the importance of the complementary use of experiments and numerical approaches in...
Cecilia Pennetta
(Università del Salento)
12/9/15, 6:00 PM
Regime shifts in ecosystems can imply relevant economic and social effects. This is especially true when they involve abrupt transitions occurring on a relatively short timescale [1-2]. A special case of regime shift is given by desertification transitions of semi-arid ecosystems which can be strongly affected by climatic or anthropogenic factors [1-3]. A crucial issue in this field concerns...
Cristian Micheletti
12/9/15, 6:30 PM
By using both coarse-grained models and bioinformatics approaches, we shall address a few prototypical examples of the intriguing implications of entanglement and knotting on the functional, mechanical and folding properties of various types of biomolecules. In particular, we shall discuss the kinetics of spontaneous knotting of long ssDNA chains and examine the "topological friction"...
Ginestra Bianconi
(Queen Mary University of London)
12/10/15, 9:00 AM
Networks are mathematical structures that are universally used to describe a large variety of complex systems such as the brain or the Internet. Characterizing the geometrical properties of these networks has become increasingly relevant for routing problems, inference and data mining. In real growing networks, topological, structural and geometrical properties emerge spontaneously from their...
Gunnar Bali
(University of Regensburg)
12/10/15, 9:40 AM
We compute the continuum limit of meson masses, the pion decay constant
and the chiral condensate in lattice similations with different
numbers of colours N and extrapolate these to the limit of large N.
Massimo Mannarelli
12/10/15, 10:40 AM
We present various results regarding the chemical potential driven meson condensation. A system of mesons at vanishing temperature can undergo a phase transition to various superfluid phases by varying the isospin chemical potential and/or the strange quark chemical potential. In the condensed phase one of the charged mesons becomes the superfluid mode, the mesons are mixed and their masses...
Philippe de Forcrand
(ETH Zurich & CERN)
12/10/15, 11:30 AM
Determining the phase diagram of QCD, as a function of the density of
matter and the temperature, could be accomplished by lattice Monte Carlo
simulations, if it were not for a severe "sign problem". I present
one promising approach to circumvent this obstacle, based on reversing
the usual order of integration and integrating the gauge fields first.
Michele Mesiti
12/10/15, 12:40 PM
We present a determination of the curvature of the pseudo-critical line in
Nf=2+1 QCD at the physical point, performed using the analytic continuation approach. We extrapolate the results towards the continuum limit by considering four different lattice spacings and studying the possible systematics involved.
Giancarlo Rossi
12/10/15, 2:30 PM
In this talk, after a short introduction on the history of the discovery of unusually narrow, massive resonances, I will present a QCD interpretation of this new set of mesonic and baryonic hadrons as tetraquark and pentaquark states, respectively.
Luciano Pietronero
(University of Rome Sapienza and Institute of Complex Systems, ISC-CNR)
12/10/15, 3:00 PM
Economic Complexity refers to a new line of research which portrays economic growth as a process of evolution of ecosystems of technologies and industrial capabilities. Complex systems analysis, simulation, systems science methods, and big data capabilities offer new opportunities to empirically map technology and capability ecosystems of countries, industrial sectors and companies, analyse...
Maria d'Errico
12/10/15, 3:40 PM
The use of the right density estimates in the framework of density-based cluster analysis is one of the keys to reveal the properties of a given dataset. We developed a new unsupervised and adaptive density estimator [1], that is able to reconstruct the point local density in an accurate way, even in highly inhomogeneous datasets. By combining the new density estimator with a generalized...
Oleg Borisenko
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
12/10/15, 5:30 PM
A various approaches to construction of dual formulations
of non-abelian lattice gauge theories are reviewed. The conventional approach based on the character expansion is elaborated for SU(2) LGT with the staggered fermions. In the case of U(N) LGT we use the theory of the Weingarten functions to construct a dual formulation. Possible applications related to the finite-density QCD are discussed.
Ahmed Bakry
(Institute of Modern Physics,CAS)
12/10/15, 6:00 PM
The potential due to system of a three static quark (3Q) is studied using SU(3) lattice QCD at finite T. The (3Q) potential is calculated in pure SU(3) Yang-Mills latice gauge theory at finite temperature with Polyakov loops operators. In this work, we focus on the relation between the parameterization ansatz of the (3Q) potential and the observed form of the strings in the baryon. The...
Alessandra S. Lanotte
12/11/15, 9:00 AM
The dynamical effects of mode reduction in Fourier space for three dimensional turbulent flows is
studied. We present fully resolved numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations with Fourier modes constrained to live on a fractal set of dimension D. The robustness of the energy cascade and
vortex stretching mechanisms are tested at changing D, from the standard three dimensional...
Volodymyr Chelnokov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
12/11/15, 10:00 AM
Two dimensional U(N) and SU(N) spin models are studied both analytically and numerically to establish the existence of BKT-like phase transitions. In U(N) case a BKT phase transition is found for any value of N. In SU(N) case two BKT-like transitions appear in the model with an adjoint interaction term, if it is large enough, though in the model without the adjoint term only a first order...
Daniele Belardinelli
(Università di Roma, Tor Vergata)
12/11/15, 10:40 AM
Thermal fluctuations and non-ideal multicomponent effects are important ingredients for a proper mesoscale description of a wide variety of flows in soft matter and biological physics [1, 2, 3]. Theoretically, thermally fluctuating mesoscopic flows are most conveniently dealt within the framework of fluctuating hydrodynamics [4]. An important ingredient in this formulation is the...
Uwe-Jens Wiese
(Bern University)
12/11/15, 11:30 AM
The real-time evolution of large open quantum spin systems, whose dynamics are entirely driven by dissipative couplings to an environment, is studied in two and three spatial dimensions. Dissipative processes with Hermitean quantum jump operators lead from the ordered phase of the Heisenberg or XY-model into a disordered phase at late times. The corresponding Lindblad equation is solved using...
Marco Zannetti
(Università di Salerno)
12/11/15, 1:00 PM
Observing fluctuations of an extensive quantity is alike to put a constraint on the system. Though it may sound odd, the statement is of general validity, with far reaching consequences both in equilibrium and out of equilibrium. Its meaning becomes precise in the framework of large deviation theory. As an example of the connection, in the talk it will be shown that the so called...