Sep 14 – 16, 2015
Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY
Europe/Rome timezone

Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory

Sep 15, 2015, 3:15 PM
Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY

Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY

Cosmic Ray and Astrophysical Neutrino Detection Cosmic Ray and Astrophysical Neutrino Detection


Prof. Stephane Coutu (Penn State University)


With an accumulated exposure of over 50,000 km^2 sr yr, the Auger Observatory has the largest statistical sample of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We will present highlights of recent results from Auger, including details of the energy spectrum, sensitivity to primary composition, searches for anisotropies and candidate sources, and searches for neutral cosmic messengers. Explorations of hadronic interaction physics with Auger, as well as upgrade plans for the Observatory will be alluded to, but will be featured in more detail in companion presentations.

Primary authors

Observatorio Pierre Auger Pierre Auger Collaboration (Malargue, Argentina) Prof. Stephane Coutu (Penn State University)

Presentation materials