Sep 14 – 16, 2015
Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY
Europe/Rome timezone



CRIS 2015 is organized by the Lecce and Catania Section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), by the Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi” of the University of Salento and by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania.

Antonio Insolia (CT), Daniele Martello (LE)

International Commitee:

Roberto Aloisio (LNGS- Italy)
Roberto Battiston (Trento Univ. – Italy)
Ralph Engel (KIT Karlsruhe – Germany)
Antonio Insolia (Catania Univ. - Italy)
Karl-Heinz Kampert (Wuppertal Univ. - Germany)
Johannes Knapp (DESY – Germany)
Paolo Lipari (INFN Roma – Italy)
Giorgio Matthiae (Roma2 Univ.
Gustavo Medina-Tanco (UNAM, Messico)
Daniele Martello (Salento Univ. – Italy)
Marco Pallavicini (Genova Univ.
– Italy)
Paolo Privitera (Chicago – USA)
Pierre V. Sokolski (Utah – USA)
Todor Stanev (Bartol Reserach Institute - USA)
Masahiro Teshima (MPI – Germany)

Alan A. Watson ( Leeds Univ. – UK)

Local Organizing Committee:

Paolo Bernardini
Carla Bleve
Rossella Caruso
Gabriella Cataldi
Maria Rita Coluccia
Ivan De Mitri
Giovanni Marsella
Lorenzo Perrone
Viviana Scherini
Antonio Surdo

Conference Secretariat:

Daniele Dell’Anna and Carla Gentile
University of Salento and I.N.F.N. – Sezione di Lecce
Via per Arnesano, I-73100 Lecce (Italy)

Conference e-mail address:
Conference Web site:
Phone: (+39) XXXX - XXX XXX
Fax: (+39) 0832 - 325 128