Jul 20 – 24, 2015
Polo Didattico Fibonacci
Europe/Rome timezone

Practical information

Registration and plenary lectures will take place at
Polo Fibonacci, Edificio E, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo, 3, Pisa, 56127  Italia
Apri in mappe
Please note that according to the program there will be two registration slots on Monday 20th:
Tutors, Undergraduate and Master students: 8:30-9:15.
Undergraduate and Master students must be present by 8:45 when a roll call will be made
Lectures and Seniors : 9:30-11:00
 9:15-9:30 there will be a practical introduction to the organization of the activities by A.Bonaccorso, all participants are invited to attend.
Plenary lectures will start at 11:20 in the "Aula Magna" of Bld E of the Polo Fibonacci.
PhD students are considered seniors, but if they like to follow the introductory parallel lectures and the tutorials, they can do so upon registration during the first time slot (payment of the fee will be requested in both cases).
Lunches will be served on site and are included in the fee.
Dinners for the ITALIAN STUDENTS will take place from 8:30h according to the following calendar:
Il Ristoro di Frate Cipolla, via Battichiodi 5, 56127, Pisa - Italy (+39) 050 31 96 432 , all students.
La Tana, via S. Frediano, (students A-L 21/7 and M-Z 24/7)/La Stanzina,  via Curtatone e Montanara, (students M-Z  21/7 and A-L 24/7)
The three restaurants above  will offer special prices upon presentation of the school badge to all participants:
Il Ristoro di Frate Cipolla
via Battichiodi 5, 56127, Pisa - (+39) 050 31 96 432 , closed on Tuesday

Menù 19 €

Le Bruschettone
La Panzanella

Gli Spaghetti Pomodoro Fresco & Bottarga
I Pici Freschi al Ragù di Cinta
Menù 21 €
Le Bruschettone
La Panzanella

Il Trancio di Spada alla Griglia & Insalatina
Il Peposo dell'Impruneta con Purea di Patate
Menù 24 €
Gli Spaghetti Pomodoro Fresco & Bottarga
I Pici Freschi al Ragù di Cinta

Trancio di Spada alla Griglia & Insalatina
Il Peposo dell'Impruneta con Purea di Patate
All menu include:
Mineral water and a glass of wine
Gelato Crema or Limone 2 €
Caffè 1 €
Osteria La Stanzina
 Via Curtatone e Montanara 7/9 Pisa
Telefono:050 991 1925, closed on Monday
offers two possibilities:
Dinner at 25 euro/person
 3 courses+water+ glass of wine or beer or soft drink, coffee
Dinner at 18 euro/person,
main course, dessert+water+ glass of wine or beer or soft drink, coffee
Pizzeria La Tana 10% discount
Via San Frediano 6, Pisa 56126
Tel. +39 050 580540 closed on Sunday
23/7 Social Dinner at 8:30 for all participants (included in the fee) in the garden of Residence Le Benedettine, Lungarno Sidney Sonnino, 18, 56125 Pisa.
For security and insurance reasons ALL undergraduate and Master students,  MUST register at the University of Pisa website
by inserting their details. In this way they will be temporarily registered at the University of Pisa for the length of the school. They will get an extra insurance and a card to go for dinner to the local University canteen, if they wish.
A guide (details and examples) to the procedure can be found in English at  the following  link: http://issuu.com/summerschool-unipi/docs/registration_-_alice
They will get a confirmation email which MUST then be forwarded to support.summerschool@unipi.it
There is a system of bike sharing (rental) in the city
Pisa turist information
The international airport web page is
The italian train systems are:
http://www.trenitalia.com/trenitalia21.html  national
http://www.italotreno.it/?sc_lang=en  private