The scope of the activity is twofold. First we will celebrate 30 years since the first genuine work on radioactive ion beams (RIBs) used to study properties of atomic nuclei. Since then Low Energy Nuclear Physics research fed by experiments at various facilities all over the world has experienced a great revival supported by widespread theoretical efforts which have changed deeply our understanding of nuclei and their interactions.
The initiators of the field
Björn Jonson (Fundamental Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden)
Isao Tanihata (SPANEE and IRCNPC, Beihang University, Beijing, China and RCNP, Osaka University, Japan)
will be our special guests.Isao Tanihata (SPANEE and IRCNPC, Beihang University, Beijing, China and RCNP, Osaka University, Japan)
The second scope of the event is to attract and educate the best possible students introducing them to the wonders of Physics with RIBs. We shall try to convey to such students a view of the rich variety of on-going activities in the field, both experimental and theoretical such that the progresses we have made in the last 30 years can be developed further in the future.
The planned activities will be directed towards students who are in the process of deciding what graduate studies to specialize. In Italy this happens typically at the end of the 1st year of Master studies.
INFN will offer about thirty scholarships to participate in this program, to be granted to Italian students who during the present Academic Year will pass a Nuclear Physics class with top mark. Students from other countries will be accepted provided the selection in the country of origin will be made according to the standards described above.
Content of the activity: The activity will consist in twelve lectures. Each lecture will cover a topic contained in a standard Nuclear Physics textbook extended to show how our understanding has deeply changed due to the experience accumulated with RIB physics since 1985. In order to give the activity a fully international character, and because we aim at favouring the participation of really young students, the first half day we will propose some introductory lectures given in separated sessions in different languages: Italian, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese.
The last day we plan a visit to the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory where SPES, the Italian RIB's facility is under construction. Some specialized seminars will be provided for senior colleagues, providing a panorama on the most recent discoveries in the field of unstable nuclei which might be highlighted in teaching courses or that might be used for practical applications.
Original contributions will be invited for submission to the European Physical Journal A and the editorial board will be composed of Nicolas Alamanos (IRFU, CEA, Saclay, France), Carlos Bertulani (Texas A&M University, Commerce, Texas, USA), Angela Bracco (University of Milano, Italy) and David Brink (University of Oxford, UK).