13–17 Apr 2015
The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI)
Europe/Rome timezone

Is the composite fermion a Dirac particle?

15 Apr 2015, 09:40
The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI)

The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI)

Arcetri, Florence


Dam Thanh Son


The theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect is based on the notion of the composite fermion, which is the low-energy quasiparticle for filling factor close to 1/2. I will show that the particle-hole symmetry of the half-filled Landau level implies that the composite fermion is a Dirac particle, characterized by a Berry phase of $pi$ around the Fermi surface. Physical consequences are discussed.

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