The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI)
Arcetri, Florence
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This is the 2015 edition of the bi-annual meeting of the European Science Foundation network HoloGrav. It is intended to provide an overview and assessment of recent progress in applying holographic methods to various strongly coupled quantum systems. The conference is part of an extended Workshop on Holographic Methods for Strongly Coupled Systems, hosted at GGI, Florence. It will include talks by invited speakers as well as presentations by registered participants. Interested people are kindly invited to register as soon as possible, providing the title and abstract of their proposed talk.
Invited Speakers
Vijay Balasubramanian, Matteo Bertolini, Alice Bernamonti, Alex Buchel, Richard Davison, Jan de Boer, Monica Guica, Christopher Herzog, Nabil Iqbal, Charlotte Kristjansen, Shiraz Minwalla, Robert Myers, Paul Romatschke, Nathan Seiberg, Marika Taylor, Dam Thanh Son.
Scientific organizers
Francesco Bigazzi, Andrea Cappelli, Aldo Cotrone, Nick Evans, Elias Kiritsis, Hong Liu, Carlos Nunez, Domenico Seminara, Kostas Skenderis.
Annalisa Anichini, Mauro Morandini
The conference is co-organized by
ESF Network HoloGrav, INFN, Florence University, COST Action "The String Theory Universe".

Conference logo designed by Migael Strydom, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich.
Invited Speakers
Vijay Balasubramanian, Matteo Bertolini, Alice Bernamonti, Alex Buchel, Richard Davison, Jan de Boer, Monica Guica, Christopher Herzog, Nabil Iqbal, Charlotte Kristjansen, Shiraz Minwalla, Robert Myers, Paul Romatschke, Nathan Seiberg, Marika Taylor, Dam Thanh Son.
Scientific organizers
Francesco Bigazzi, Andrea Cappelli, Aldo Cotrone, Nick Evans, Elias Kiritsis, Hong Liu, Carlos Nunez, Domenico Seminara, Kostas Skenderis.
Annalisa Anichini, Mauro Morandini
The conference is co-organized by
ESF Network HoloGrav, INFN, Florence University, COST Action "The String Theory Universe".
Conference logo designed by Migael Strydom, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich.