First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Achilleas | Passias | Milano-Bicocca University |
Adam | Schwimmer | Weizmann Institute |
alberto | zaffaroni | universita' di Milano-Bicocca |
Aldo Lorenzo | Cotrone | University of Florence |
Alessandro | Tomasiello | Università di Milano-Bicocca |
Alex | Buchel | Western University/Perimeter Institute |
Alfonso | Ballon-Bayona | University of Porto |
Alfonso | Ramallo | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Alice | Bernamonti | KU Leuven |
Amadeo | Jimenez | IFT-UAM/CSIC |
Amos | Yarom | Technion |
Andrea | Amoretti | University of Genoa and Leiden University |
Andrea | Cappelli | INFN |
Andrea | Marzolla | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Andrei | Parnachev | University of Dublin |
Andrei | Starinets | University of Oxford |
Andrew | O'Bannon | University of Oxford |
Ann-Kathrin | Straub | Max-Planck-Institut für Physik |
Anton | Faedo | University of Barcelona |
Antonio | Garcia Garcia | Cambridge Univeresity |
Ben | Craps | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Benjamin | Assel | King's College |
Blaise | Goutéraux | Stanford University and APC, CNRS |
Carlos | Hoyos | Oviedo University |
Charlotte | Kristjansen | Niels Bohr Institute |
Christiana | Pantelidou | University of Barcelona |
Christopher | Herzog | Stony Brook University |
Dam Thanh | Son | University of Chicago |
Daniel | Arean | Max-Planck-Institut |
Daniel | Fernández | Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich |
Daniele | Musso | ICTP |
Davide | Forcella | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Dawei | Pang | University of Southampton |
Debajyoti | Sarkar | Ludwig Maximilians University |
Di-Lun | Yang | University of Crete |
Dimitrios | Zoakos | University of Porto |
dmitri | khveshchenko | university of north carolina |
Domenico | Seminara | Dipartimento di Fisica di Firenze |
Eduardo | Conde Pena | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Elias | Kiritsis | University of Crete and APC |
Enrico | Randellini | Università e INFN Firenze |
Esko | Keski-Vakkuri | University of Helsinki |
Fabio | Franchini | Florence University |
Federico | Galli | KU Leuven |
Francesco | Bigazzi | INFN, Pisa |
Francisco | Pena-Benitez | Crete University |
Gianluca | Grignani | University of Perugia |
Giuseppe | Policastro | LPTENS |
GUY | DE TERAMOND | University of Costa Rica |
Hans Guenter | Dosch | Inst. f. Theoretische Physik d. Univ. Heidelberg |
Himanshu | Raj | SISSA |
Ignacio | Salazar | IFLP |
Ioannis | Bakas | National Technical University |
Ioannis | Papadimitriou | SISSA |
Irene | Amado | Technion |
Irina | Galstyan | Stockholm University |
Jacob | Sonnenschein | Tel Aviv university |
Jan | de Boer | University of Amsterdam |
Javier | Tarrio | University of Barcelona |
Jelle | Hartong | Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Jie | Ren | University of Crete |
Johanna | Erdmenger | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Jonas | Probst | University of Oxford |
Keun-Young | Kim | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Koenraad | Schalm | University of Leiden |
Kristan | Jensen | C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (SUNY Stony Brook) |
Larus | Thorlacius | University of Iceland and Stockholm University |
Leopoldo A. | Pando Zayas | ICTP |
Loredana | Bellantuono | Università di Bari e INFN - Sezione di Bari |
Luca | Griguolo | DIFEST, University of Parma |
Luis | Melgar | Imperial College London |
Mahdis | Ghodrati | University of Michigan |
Manuela | Kulaxizi | Trinity College Dublin and Leiden University |
Marco | Caldarelli | University of Southampton |
Maria Paola | Lombardo | INFN |
Marika | Taylor | University of Southampton |
Mario | Flory | Max-Planck-Institut für Physik |
Marko | Djuric | University of Porto |
Martin | Ammon | University of Jena |
Masanori | Hanada | Kyoto University, Stanford University |
Matteo | Baggioli | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & Insitut Fisica d'altes Energies |
Matteo | Bertolini | SISSA |
Matthew | Lippert | University of Amsterdam |
Matthias | Ihl | CFP, Universidade do Porto |
Matti | Jarvinen | Ecole Normale Superieure |
Micha | Berkooz | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Micha | Moskovic | Università di Torino |
Michael | Lublinsky | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Michela | Petrini | Universite Pierre et Marie Curie |
Mike | Blake | DAMTP |
Milosz | Panfil | SISSA |
Monica | Guica | Uppsala University |
Nabil | Iqbal | University of Amsterdam |
Natalia | Pinzani Fokeeva | University of Amsterdam |
Nathan | Seiberg | IAS |
Nicholas | Evans | University of Southampton |
Nicodemo | Magnoli | Department of Physics |
Niels | Obers | Niels Bohr Institute |
Niko | Jokela | University of Helsinki |
Nikolaos | Kaplis | Lorentz Institute |
Paul | Dempster | Seoul National University |
Paul | Romatschke | University of Colorado, Boulder |
Pietro | Colangelo | INFN - Sezione di Bari |
Rene | Meyer | Kavli IPMU |
Riccardo | Argurio | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Richard | Davison | Leiden University |
Robert | Myers | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Roberto | Auzzi | Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore |
Sang-Jin | Sin | Hanyang |
Shigenori | Seki | Research Institute for Natural Science, Hanyang University |
Shiraz | Minwalla | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Silvia | Penati | Universita' Milano-Bicocca |
Stanley J. | Brodsky | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University |
Takaaki | Ishii | University of Crete |
Tobias | Zingg | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Troels | Harmark | Niels Bohr Institute |
Umut | Gursoy | Utrecht University |
Valentina | Giangreco Puletti | University of Iceland |
Veselin | Filev | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
Victor | Godet | Ecole Polytechnique |
Vijay | Balasubramanian | Pennsylvania U. & CUNY, Graduate School - U. Ctr. |
Walter | Tangarife | Tel Aviv University |
Yegor | Korovin | Albert Einstein Institute (MPI) |
Yolanda | Lozano | University of Oviedo |
Yunseok | Seo | Hanyang University |
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