Alexandre Loulergue
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
9/17/15, 11:00 AM
invited talk
The large energy spread and divergence of the electron beam produced currently in laser-driven wakefield accelerators could dramatically reduce the gain amplification expected in LWFA-based free electron lasers . Single beam decompression stage or transverse gradient undulator have been proposed to cope with the large energy spread. Another method based on a further beam manipulation has been...
Alexander Debus
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
9/17/15, 11:30 AM
invited talk
The interaction of an electron beam emerging from laser wakefield
accelerators with an optical undulator allows for the realization of ultra-compact all-optical FELs and Compton sources using existing high-power lasers.
This presentation will review the various schemes considered to date with emphasis on both expected performance of the emitted radiation and challenges to face in terms of...
Masaki Kando
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
9/17/15, 12:00 PM
invited talk
Laser acceleration of electrons is now considered to be promising for a compact, high-quality, high-energy accelerator scheme. Indeed, there are a lot of publications showing high reproducibility, small emittance (<1 mm mrad), shot pulse duration (~ fs), high energy (> 1GeV). Thus the capability to use such beams for a source of compact X-ray free-electron laser. In order to use laser...