Wim Leemans
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
14/09/2015, 11:00
invited talk
Multi-GeV electron beam has been produced from a capillary discharge waveguide structure powered by the BELLA laser at LBNL. Comparison between simulation and experiment will be detailed and future prospects in plasma acceleration using petawatt class lasers will be given.
Chandrashekhar Joshi
14/09/2015, 11:30
invited talk
Recent progress on high-gradient and high-efficiency electron and positron acceleration in a plasma wakefield accelerator at the FACET facility will be described. In the case of electrons, a high current drive bunch is used to produce an extremely nonlinear, high gradient wake in a meter-scale plasma. An appropriately placed trailing bunch containing a significant charge loads the wake and...
Riccardo Pompili
14/09/2015, 12:00
invited talk
SPARC-LAB is exploring the PWFA scheme by using multi-bunch electron
beam as driver to excite resonantly the plasma in a capillary discharge.
Velocity bunching is used to generate the train of short (<100fs) bunches
with the temporal spacing required to achieve the proper accelerating field and to accelerate the trailing witness bunch with low energy spread. Comparison between simulation...