Francois Amiranoff
(Ecole Polytechnique), Mr
patrick audebert
9/18/15, 11:00 AM
invited talk
Apollon is a high-intensity laser facility delivering multi-PW pulses on target at one shot per minute. Under construction, the facility includes four laser beams and two experimental areas. It is designed to study physics such as laser-plasma electron or ion acceleration, X-ray and gamma-ray sources and applications and high-fields physics. The short-term experiments in both electron and ion...
Frederic Druon
(Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique)
9/18/15, 11:30 AM
invited talk
Next generation of laser-driven wakefield accelerators require extreme performance in critical laser parameters (energy, repetition rate, efficiency, contrast, stabilities) while keeping high reliability and availability levels. The presentation will review the state-of-the-art laser in terms of high peak power and average power. The expected and realistic parameters achievable in the near...
9/18/15, 12:00 PM
invited talk
Advanced accelerator concepts could potentially make a linear collider more compact and hence cheaper than a conventional one. In particular, laser or beam driven plasma acceleration are of interest. The presentation will discuss the parameter choices for conventional multi-TeV linear colliders and the physics and technology driving these choices. It will highlight the implications for the...