18/09/2015, 08:30
invited talk
Compact and femtosecond X-ray source is one of the most exciting prospects for laser wakefield accelerator. The presentation will review betatron radiation and Compton scattering LWFA-based sources with a description of the experimental conditions.The results achieved so far in terms of photon flux and spectrum will be reviewed and prospects of betatron and Compton X-ray sources will be given.
Gianluca Sarri
(Queen's University Belfast)
18/09/2015, 09:10
invited talk
g-ray beam of ultrahigh peak brilliance has been produced from nonlinear relativistic Thomson scattering.The experimental setup will be described and the measurement of the g-ray spectrum will be reported. Prospects and future application for such g-ray sources will be discussed.
(OSAKA University)
18/09/2015, 09:50
invited talk
Laser-based wakefield accelerators have tremendous potential in basic science, photon science, medical and industrial applications. However challenging issues, as beam quality and stability, must be solved before such compact accelerators become mature user facilities. In Osaka University, the efforts are now focused on the design and construction of a usable laser-driven plasma accelerator....