Sep 13 – 19, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone


EAAC2015 Registration

Opened Mar 12, 2015
Closed May 31, 2015
Contact info

Only for pre-registered participants: you are kindly required to complete the final Registration Form by July 31th. The workshop organization will take care of the Hotel reservation. Please note that after this deadline we cannot guarantee an accommodation. Due the large number of applications received we strongly reccommend attendees to indicate your roommate if single rooms if not available. There is a early registration fee of 450.00 € if paid by August 31st. After that date and on-site the registration fee is 500.00 €. The Registration fee includes proceedings, bus transportation from Rome or Pisa airports to the meeting site and vice versa (see Travel Information), coffee breaks, meals, meeting material and social events. For participants of the EuroNNAc meeting on Saturday after the EAAC Workshop an extra fee of 70,00€ must be paid. Registration fee can be paid by bank transfer (advance payment) to: Associazione Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics c/o INFN - Sezione di Pisa L.go B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa CF 93013890509 PIVA 01294330509 BANK DETAILS: Associazione Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics Monte dei Paschi di Siena Via San Francesco, 1 - 56127 Pisa IBAN: IT80L0103014003000000316237 BIC: PASCITM1PI2 Ref: Participant's name - EAAC2015 fee (transfer fee at the sender's charge) or on site at the Workshop Registration Desk (Hotel Hermitage) upon arrival. In addition to euros, US dollars will be accepted. Personal checks can only be accepted if drawn on an Italian bank. However, credit cards cannot be accepted for the payment of the registration fee. The registration desk will open on Sunday, September 13th at 5:00 pm.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.