Sep 13 – 19, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Mono-Energetic Ions emission by nanosecond laser solid target irradiation

Sep 15, 2015, 4:45 PM
SB1 Sala Bonaparte 1 (Hotel Hermitage)

SB1 Sala Bonaparte 1

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG2 - Ion beams from plasmas WG2 - Ion beams from plasmas


Dr annamaria muoio (Università di Messina - INFN LNS Catania)


An experimental campaign aiming to investigate the acceleration mechanisms through Laser-matter interaction in nanosecond domain has been carried out at the LENS (Laser Energy for Nuclear Science) laboratory of INFN-LNS, Catania. Different techniques permit to monitor the plasma and to determine its reproducibility. Different targets of pure Al are placed in a vacuum chamber an innovative diagnostic systems, like Thomson Parabola (TP) spectrometer has been used. Targets were then irradiated by Nd:YAG 2J, 6 ns infrared laser (L=1064 nm) at different pumping energies. Advanced diagnostics tools were used for characterizing the plasma plume and ion production: two IC (ion collectors) for time-of-flight measurements, an X-ray sensitive CCD camera for X-ray imaging and X-ray flux measurements and an ICCD-camera for time resolved optical imaging.

Primary author

Dr annamaria muoio (Università di Messina - INFN LNS Catania)


Prof. Antonio Trifirò (Università di Messina - INFN sezione di Catania Italy) Dr Carmen Altana (Università di Catania - INFN LNS Catania Italy) Dr David Mascali (INFN LNS Catania Italy) Dr Francesco Schillaci (INFN - LNS Catania Italy) Dr Gaetano Lanzalone (Università "Kore" di Enna - INFN LNS Catania Italy) Dr Giuseppe Antonio Pablo Cirrone (INFN -LNS Catania Italy) Dr Salvo Tudisco (INFN-LNS Catania Italy)

Presentation materials