Sep 13 – 19, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Progress of self-modulation experiments with electron and positron beams in plasma wakefield experiments at FACET

Sep 14, 2015, 6:00 PM
SBIO Sala Biodola (Hotel Biodola)

SBIO Sala Biodola

Hotel Biodola

talk WG5 - High-gradient plasma structures/Advanced beam diagnostics WG5 - High-gradient plasma structures/Advanced beam diagnostics


Dr Erik Adli (University of Oslo)


The E209 experiment at FACET studies the physics of the self-modulation instability in long electron and positron beams in dense plasmas. We report on initial results from experiments in Lithium, Argon and Hydrogen plasmas. We highlight the various experimental challenges, and steps taken to overcome them.

Primary author

Dr Erik Adli (University of Oslo)


Mr Carl A. Lindstrom (University of Oslo) Dr Jorge Vieira (Instituto Superior Tecnico) Mrs Ligia Diana Amorim (IST Portugal) Mark Hogan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Michael D. Litos (SLAC) Dr Patric Muggli (MPP Munchen) Mrs Veronica K. B. Olsen (University of Oslo) Dr Vitaly Yakimenko (SLAC)

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