13–19 set 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Beam Loading in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator at Daresbury Laboratory

16 set 2015, 20:00
Parking Area (Hotel Hermitage)

Parking Area

Hotel Hermitage

poster WG6 - Theory and simulations Poster Session 2 (WG5-WG6-WG7) and Wine


Sig. Kieran Hanahoe (University of Manchester)


Theory and particle-in-cell simulation results for beam loading using at the proposed Plasma Accelerator Research Station (PARS) at Daresbury Laboratory are presented. Results show an acceleration gradient of approximately 2 GV/m is possible, and the variation of the final energy spread and emittance of the witness beam with different beam and plasma parameters is investigated.

Autore principale

Sig. Kieran Hanahoe (University of Manchester)


Dr. Deepa Angal-Kalinin (ASTeC) Dr. Guoxing Xia (Cockcroft Institute and the University of Manchester) Dr. James Jones (ASTeC) Dr. Jonathan SMITH (Tech-X UK Ltd) Dr. Oznur Mete (University of Manchester)

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