Parallel Session 1 - Goldstone Boson WG
- Mario Antonelli (LNF)
- Sebastien Descotes-Genon (CNRS/Univ. Paris-Sud 11)
- Andreas Juettner (University of Southampton)
- Emilie Passemar (Indiana University/JLab)
Nicolas Garron
(Plymouth University)
6/29/15, 2:30 PM
Goldstone Boson Working Group
CP violation was discovered in Kaon decays 50 years ago but still remains a challenge for theorists. A complete theoretical description will be a crucial test for the Standard Model and will provide us with a rich source of information on new physics theories. In the past recent years, realistic computations of A2, the amplitude of K->(pipi)_(I=2), have become possible and reached a level of...
Jacopo Pinzino
6/29/15, 3:00 PM
Goldstone Boson Working Group
We report the first observation of the very rare decay K+- -> pi+- pi0 e+ e- by the NA48/2 experiment. From a clean sample of almost 2000 reconstructed signal events, we have determined the branching fraction with high precision and measured the e+ e- invariant mass distribution, which allows to differentiate between different decay models.
Michal Zamkovsky
(IPNP, Charles University, Prague)
6/29/15, 3:20 PM
Goldstone Boson Working Group
The NA48/2 experiment has recently published a detailed study of the Ke4 decay mode K —> pi0 pi0 e nu based on 65000 candidates with a low 1% background contamination. The achieved experimental precision brings evidence for isospin breaking mass effects and final state pi pi scattering. Theoretical calculations will have to face a new precision challenge when using such improved inputs to...
Marc Knecht
(CNRS/CPT, Marseille)
6/29/15, 3:40 PM
Goldstone Boson Working Group
The very precise data obtained by the NA48/2 collaboration at the CERN SPS on the decay channels K^\pm \to \pi^+ \pi^- e^\pm \stackrel{_{(-)}}{\nu_e}$ and $K^\pm \to \pi^0 \pi^0 e^\pm \stackrel{_{(-)}}{\nu_e}$ have made it necessary to address issues related to isospin breaking. Three aspects related to this issue will be considered: isospin breaking due to the pion mass difference in the...