Plenary Session 1
- Aron Bernstein (MIT)
Francesco Fidecaro
(Pisa University),
Marco Grassi
6/29/15, 9:10 AM
Heinrich Leutwyler
(University of Bern)
6/29/15, 9:25 AM
Many of the quantities of interest at the precision frontier in particle physics require a good understanding of the low energy properties of the strong interaction. I intend to focus on the fact that applications of effective field theory methods usually involve two aspects: dependence on the quark masses and dependence on the momenta. On the one hand, I will review some of the work done in...
Claude Bernard
(Washington University, Saint Louis)
6/29/15, 10:05 AM
I describe some of the many connections between lattice QCD and effective field theories, focusing in particular on chiral effective theory, but also touching upon Symanzik effective theory and heavy quark effective theory. Ifirst discuss the ways in which effective theories have enabled and supported lattice QCD calculations. Particular attention is paid to the inclusion of discretization...