Plenary Session 6
- Bachir Moussallam (IPN-Orsay)
Haiyan Gao
(Duke University, Durham)
7/1/15, 11:10 AM
An important goal in modern nuclear physics is to understand how one can describe the structure of nuclei and nuclear forces from first principles of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory describing the strong interaction. Few-nucleon systems provide important testing grounds for state-of-the-art few-body calculations, calculations based on effective field theories, and more...
Antonin Portelli
(University of Southampton)
7/1/15, 11:50 AM
Isospin symmetry is explicitly broken in the Standard Model by the mass and electric charge of the up and down quarks. These effects represent a perturbation of hadronic amplitudes at the percent level. Although these contributions are small, they play a crucial role in hadronic and nuclear physics. Moreover, as lattice computations are becoming increasingly precise, it is becoming more and...