Plenary Session 4
- Daniel Phillips (Ohio University)
Francesca Sammarruca
(University of Idaho, Moscow)
6/30/15, 11:10 AM
The equations of state of nuclear and neutron matter (and, more generally, neutron-rich matter) play a fundamental role towards the understanding of a broad spectrum of systems, ranging from the skins of neutron-rich nuclei to the structure of compact stars.
After a brief introduction on different approaches to the properties of nuclear/neutron matter, we will focus on error quantification...
Silas Beane
(University of Washington, Seattle)
6/30/15, 11:50 AM
I will review recent calculations of the properties and interactions of nuclei and hypernuclei from first principles using lattice QCD. Many interesting observables have now been computed at several (unphysical) values of the quark masses and the first rudimentary extrapolations to the physical point have been performed. The resulting picture of the quark mass dependence of nucleon and nuclear...
Evgeny Epelbaum
(Ruhr University, Bochum)
6/30/15, 12:30 PM
Chiral effective field theory provides a systematically improvable perturbative approach to deriving nuclear forces in harmony with the symmetries of QCD. Combined with modern few- and many-body methods, this framework represents a commonly accepted procedure for ab initio studies of nuclear structure and reactions. Recently, a new generation of nucleon-nucleon (NN) forces up to fifth order in...