Sergi González-Solís
(IFAE-Autonomous University of Barcelona)
I will analyze the anomalous single and double Dalitz decays of the neutral pseudoscalar mesons, P → l+ l− γ and P → l+ l− l+ l− (P = π , η, η' ; l= e or µ), employing a model-independent transition form factor (TFF) of the Pγ∗γ(∗) vertices built up, through the use of rational approximants, from the current experimental data of the space-like TFF γ∗γ → P. Predictions for the branching ratios and the spectra will be given and compared with present experimental status.
1. R. Escribano and S. Gonzalez-Solis, in preparation.
2. S. Gonzalez-Solis, P. Masjuan and P. Sanchez-Puerts in preparation.
Primary author
Sergi González-Solís
(IFAE-Autonomous University of Barcelona)