Jul 3 – 4, 2014
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Europe/Rome timezone
The purpose of this two-day course (held just before the ICNMTA 2014 Conference) is to review the current status of ion beam microscopy and to highlight innovative aspects of single–ion and microprobe techniques for the analysis and modification of materials at the micro and nano-scale.

The course is addressed to students and young researchers wishing to improve their knowledge on ion beam microscopy and to find out more about research opportunities in this exciting field. It can be also intended to be an introduction to the new developments, which will be presented in detail at the ICNMTA.
Lectures from leading world experts will cover the basic aspects of the main ion microscopy techniques:  focusing systems through electromagnetic lenses and micro-capillary optics for in vacuum or in air ion irradiation, hybrid focusing and collimated beams for single ion event management, principles of full field ion microscopy. The lectures will provide the fundamentals of the techniques and some remarkable applications in art/archaeology, electronics, biology, medicine and in general in the analysis of materials, with special emphasis on the emerging micro-MeV-SIMS technique. A direct comparison of the use of different ion beam microscopy techniques will be given in lectures dedicated to alternative/complementary approaches to the direct writing of nanostructures in materials as well as to the applications for cell/tissue analysis or for micro-radio-biology.  Appropriate time will be allocated for scientific discussions in order to stimulate further development and co-operation among the lecturers and participants.
In addition to lectures, the course will include “hands-on” sessions for the participants at the microbeam facilities of the host institution, the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), where the participants will attend practical demonstrations of microbeam formation at the AN2000 Accelerator and of single ion diagnostics using the IEEM at the SIRAD beam line of The Tandem XTU.

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