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The workshop "ABNP2014" will be held from 14th to 15th April 2014, at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro ITALY. The Conference programme will begin on Monday, April 14th at 9.00 and will close on Tuesday, April 15th in the afternoon.
The Workshop is organized in the framework of the Accelerator Application Network Activitiy (WorkPackage 4 of Eucard2 project), to foster knowledge of the applications capability of accelerators.
Scientific Committee M. Cavenago (Chair), INFN Legnaro, Italy R. Edgecock, Huddersfield University, UK A. Lombardi, CERN, Switzerland H. Owen, Manchester University, UK |
Organizing Committee M. Cavenago (Chair), INFN Legnaro, Italy J. Esposito, INFN Legnaro, Italy E. Fagotti, INFN Legnaro, Italy T. Kulevoy, ITEP Moscow, Russia A. Pisent, INFN Legnaro, Italy |
Accelerator Application Network Activity (WorkPackage 4)
EuCARD-2 is an Integrating Activity Project for coordinated Research and Development on Particle Accelerators, co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Capacities Programme.