<font size="+1">International Symposium</font> <br><i>Lepton and Hadron Physics at Meson-Factories</i> 2013

Messina (Italy)

Messina (Italy)

Giorgio Giardina (CT), Giuseppe Mandaglio (CT), Graziano Venanzoni (LNF), Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
The Symposium will focus on the new projects and new lines of researches in the field of the Lepton and Hadron Physics that will be developed in the main Laboratories and Research Centres during the next 10 years. Therefore, the Symposium is open to contributions on various kinds of particle physics (also of astrophysical interest). In the Symposium, the main emphasis will be on the discussion (from experimental and theoretical points of view) of high precision measurements and calculation useful to test the Standard Models, searches of new particles and interaction forces (dark force and dark matter), resonances by hadronic or electromagnetic interactions and their decay into scalar and vector mesons.
  • Agnese De Gaetano
  • Alessandro Pilloni
  • Alessio Settineri
  • Alice Restifo Chiavetta
  • Amareshwar Prasad Chunduru
  • Anastasia Cassisa
  • Anastasia Cassisa
  • Andreas Hafner
  • Andrzej Kupsc
  • Angela Maimone
  • Antonina Isgrò
  • Antonina Rosano
  • Antonino Cannavo'
  • Antonio Anastasi
  • Antonio Di Domenico
  • Belinda Calanni Fraccono
  • Bernd Krusche
  • Carmine Fedele
  • Celeste Guerrisi
  • Christian Antonino Salvo
  • Christoph Florian Redmer
  • Daniele Pistone
  • David Rubin
  • Douglas MacGregor
  • Elena Chillè
  • Elena Santopinto
  • Fabio Bossi
  • Fabrizio Creazzo
  • Federico Malizia
  • Filippo Benenati
  • Floriana Frascati
  • Francesca Curciarello
  • Francesco Di Stefano
  • Francesco Mammoliti
  • Gabriele Munaò
  • Gaetano Filippo Caminiti
  • Giacomo Morsillo
  • Gian Pio Domiziani
  • Gianluigi Boca
  • Giorgio Giardina
  • Giovanna Ruello
  • Giovanni Ceccio
  • Giovanni Gallo
  • Giuliana Malta
  • Giuseppe Arro'
  • Giuseppe Gabriele Nunnari
  • Giuseppe Gabriele Piccione
  • Giuseppe Mandaglio
  • Giuseppe Turco
  • Graziano Venanzoni
  • Hai-Bo Li
  • Ian Nugent
  • Ivan Logashenko
  • Ivano Sarra
  • Jacopo Ferretti
  • James Joseph Valdez
  • Josè Amato
  • Katia Aragona
  • Letterio Biondo
  • Luca Trentadue
  • Luca Vernaci
  • Marc Unverzagt
  • Marco Battaglieri
  • Marco Sessa
  • Massimo Passera
  • Matteo Fael
  • Miha Mihovilovic
  • Pavel Pakhlov
  • Rosaria Maio
  • Rosaria Verduci
  • Salvatore Ruben Spatola
  • Sebastiano Vasi
  • Sergio Gurgone
  • Silvestra Soffli
  • Simon Eidelman
  • Sonia D'Arrigo
  • Sonia Marrara
  • Stefano Romeo
  • Valentina Mandanici
  • Valeria Giunta
  • Veronica De Leo
  • Vincenzo Bellini
  • Yuping Guo