18–21 ott 2013
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Erice, Sicily) School of Ethology - 30th workshop
Europe/Rome fuso orario
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Listening to the Deep-Ocean: A global underwater noise monitoring initiative

19 ott 2013, 11:40
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Erice, Sicily) School of Ethology - 30th workshop

Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Erice, Sicily) School of Ethology - 30th workshop


Michel Andre (UPC, SP)


The growing scientific and societal concern about the effects of underwater sound on marine ecosystems has been recently recognized through the introduction of several international initiatives aiming at measuring the environmental impact of ocean noise on large spatial and temporal scales. From a regulatory perspective, the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive includes noise as one of eleven descriptors to determine Good Environmental Status of the oceans. The Directive specifically requires Member States to provide a measure of annually averaged noise. LIDO (Listening to the Deep-Ocean Environment) has developed a software package that measures sound levels and monitors acoustic sources in real-time; this software is now operating to provide industry with an environmentally responsible approach. The system is currently operating worldwide from several wired and radio-linked underwater observatories. Recently, through a zero-cost contract with the CTBTO (Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive nuclear-Test Ban Treaty Organization), years of data from hydroacoustic stations were analysed to look for background noise trends and to detect cetacean presence. Here, we present the analysis of four CTBTO platforms, each covering 42 months of data, focussing especially on the estimation of background noise levels and the measurement of noise contributions from anthropogenic sources. Continuous monitoring of background noise will indeed help to understand whether long-term exposures to noise, in areas with intense shipping or seismic campaigns, for instance, might alter animal natural behaviour and may be used in the future to assess the effects of ocean noise on marine life.

Autore principale

Michel André (Laboratori d'Aplicacions Bioacústiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC))


Materiali di presentazione