WG2 - Ion beams from plasmas
- julien fuchs (luli-cnrs)
WG2 - Ion beams from plasmas
- julien fuchs (luli-cnrs)
WG2 - Ion beams from plasmas
- julien fuchs (luli-cnrs)
Bastian Aurand
(Department of physics; Lund University)
6/4/13, 4:00 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
We report on the observation of mono-energetic features for different charge states of carbon and modulations in the proton spectra by accelerating ions out of an ultra-thin 15 nm polymer foil. For a rather low intensity of 6x10^19 W/cm2, and a very high contrast, detailed studies based on high statistics were done. Careful comparison with numerical results indicates a two-step acceleration...
Daniel Jung
(Quee's University Belfast)
6/4/13, 4:25 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
The ultra-high contrast and relativistic intensities (>10^20 W/cm2) available at the LANL Trident laser for the first time allowed sub-micron solid matter laser interaction dominated by relativistic transparency of the target. This interaction efficiently couples laser momentum into all target ion species, making it a promising and competitive alternative to conventional accelerators on a much...
Markus Roth
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
6/4/13, 4:50 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
We present experimental results on the first short pulse laser driven neutron source powerful enough for applications. For the first time an acceleration mechanism based on the concept of relativistic transparency has been used to generate neutrons. This mechanism not only provides much higher particle energies, but also accelerated the entire target volume, thereby circumventing the need for...
Patrizio Antici
6/4/13, 6:00 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
Intense research is being conducted on sources of laser-accelerated ions and their applications, motivated by the exceptional properties of these beams: high brightness, high spectral cut-off, high directionality, laminarity, and short duration (~ps at the source). It was recently experimentally shown that a promising way to accelerate ions to higher energies and in a collimated beam is to use...
Alessandro Flacco
6/4/13, 6:25 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
The propagation of ultrashort laser pulse at relativistic intensity in micrometric scale underdense Helium plasma is studied in detail, exploring densities in the range of 1% to 10% n_c. The plasma is probed to simultaneously reconstruct the evolution in time of electron density and polar magnetic field.
Magnetic fields that are produced in plasma result from the propagation of hot...
julien fuchs
6/4/13, 6:50 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
This presentation will focus on demonstrating the possibility to highly focus high energy proton beams by self-generated magnetic field produced during the interaction of a high contrast, high intensity laser beam with thin solids targets of various materials. We will show, using experiments and simulations, that knowing the dynamics of such self-generated magnetic field allow us to control...
Florian Kroll
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
6/4/13, 7:15 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
Compact laser-driven proton therapy accelerators are a potential alternative to complex and expensive conventional accelerators, but still require substantial development in reliable beam generation, transport and dosimetric monitoring as well as validation in radiobiological studies.
We report on systematic investigations of ultrashort pulse laser-driven acceleration of protons from thin...
Sophia Chen
6/5/13, 4:00 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
In the WDM regime, the charge equilibrium and stopping power of particles differs significantly from that of both cold matter and ideal plasma due to free electron contributions, plasma correlation effects and electron degeneracy. The creation a WDM state with a temporal duration consistent with the particles used to probe it has been extremely difficult to achieve experimentally....
Danilo Giulietti
(Physics Department of University and INFN, Pisa-I)
6/5/13, 4:25 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
Laser-matter interaction at relativistic intensities open up new research fields in the particle acceleration and related secondary sources, with immediate applications in medical diagnostics, biophysics, material science, inertial confinement fusion, up to laboratory astrophysics. In particular laser-driven ion acceleration is very promising for hadron therapy once the ion energy will attain...
Simon Busold
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
6/5/13, 4:50 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
Creation of high intensity multi-MeV ion bunches by high power lasers became a reliable tool during the last 15 years. To face their main problems (large divergence and exponential energy spectrum), the LIGHT collaboration was founded (Laser Ion Generation, Handling and Transport). The collaboration consists of several university groups and research centers, namely TU Darmstadt, JWGU...
Valentina Scuderi
6/5/13, 5:15 PM
WG2 Ions - Ion beams from plasmas
Laser accelerated proton beams have been proposed to be used in different fields of research. In particular, a great interest has been focused in the possibility of replacing conventional accelerating machines with laser-based accelerators in order to develop a new concept of hadrontherapy centers which could result more compact and cheaper.
In this context a research project has been...