WG6 - Theory and simulations
- Luis O. Silva (Istituto Superior Técnico)
WG6 - Theory and simulations
- Luis O. Silva (Istituto Superior Técnico)
Jorge Vieira
(Instituto Superior Tecnico)
04/06/2013, 16:00
WG6 theory - Theory and simulations
Particle-in-cell simulations play an important role in advancing the knowledge of laser (LWFA) and plasma (PWFA) wakefield accelerators. However, full-scale simulations in the conditions of near future experiments are very computationally intensive. Accurately modeling these scenarios therefore requires state-of-the-art numerical codes combined with novel algorithms capable to capture key...
Xavier Davoine
04/06/2013, 16:25
WG6 theory - Theory and simulations
Cylindrical coordinates are often used to simulate PWFA or LWFA with PIC codes, as it is much faster than using a 3D cartesian mesh while it gives similar results, thanks to the axial symmetry of the wakefield. We describe here recent advances in numerical algorithms for such PIC codes using cylindrical coordinates. First, we define new splines for macro-particles interpolation on the mesh....
Jonathan SMITH
(Tech-X UK Ltd)
04/06/2013, 16:40
WG6 theory - Theory and simulations
Because of their ultra-high accelerating gradient, laser plasma based accelerators are contemplated for the next generation of high energy colliders and light sources. The upcoming BELLA project will explore acceleration of electron bunches to 10 GeV in a meter long plasma, with a PW-class laser driven wakefield. Simulations of such stages are challenging because of the disparity of...
Pasquale Londrillo
(INFN-Bologna (Italy))
04/06/2013, 16:55
WG6 theory - Theory and simulations
In the framework of Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration (PBFA), a new
acceleration scheme has been proposed to combine high efficient blow-out
regimes, where the driving electron bunch forms a totally rarefied plasma channel, with the conditions assuring resonant excitation of a plasma waves at the linear frequency. This optimal configuration can be achieved by using a train of properly...
04/06/2013, 17:10
04/06/2013, 18:00
WG6 theory - Theory and simulations