Plenary 6
- Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
Andrei Seryi
(John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science)
05/06/2013, 11:00
Alessandro Citterio
(PSI - Villigen)
05/06/2013, 11:40
Invited Talk
invited talk
The SwissFEL C-band main linac consists of 26 modules and accelerates, at a repetition rate of 100 Hz, two electron bunches, spaced by 28 ns, from 350 MeV up to 5.8 GeV. Each module is composed of four 2-meter long constant gradient accelerating structures each with 113 cells, one 50 MW klystron and one Barrel Open Cavity (BOC) pulse compressor.
The choice to operate at the American C-band...
Pietro Musumeci
05/06/2013, 12:10
Invited Talk
invited talk
In this talk I will discuss the Inverse Free Electron Laser scheme as a compact high gradient accelerator solution for driving advanced light sources such as soft x-ray free-electron laser amplifiers. We will present recent results from two different IFEL acceleration experiments, one carried out at BNL using a CO2 driver laser and a helical geometry and the other one at LLNL using a high...