The on-line Registration is now closed. If you want to register for the meeting or modify your registration, please send an e-mail to the Workshop Organizing Committee. EAAC2013 is a by-invitation-only workshop for intensive discussions on long-term research in advanced acceleration physics and technology, for applications ranging from high energy physics to light sources. An expression for interest is required to get the acceptance to attend the event. The deadline for the application form is February 24th, 2013, by March 8th you will receive the invitation and will be requested to fill the final Registration Form by April 28th. To get an invitation, please send a request by e-mail to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee. The workshop organization will take care of the Hotel reservation. Please note that after this deadline we cannot guarantee an accommodation. There is a registration fee of 400.00 €, including proceedings, bus transportation from Rome or Pisa airports to the meeting site and vice versa (see Travel Information), coffee breaks, meals, meeting material and social events. Registration fee can be paid by bank transfer (advance payment) to: Banca Prossima IBAN: IT31 D033 5901 6001 0000 0073 835 BIC: BCITITMX in the name of First European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop Ref: EAAC2013, fee of (participant's name) (transfer fee at the sender's charge) or on site at the Meeting Registration Desk (Hotel Hermitage) upon arrival. In addition to euros, US dollars will be accepted, as well as EC and traveler's checks. Personal checks can only be accepted if drawn on an Italian bank. However, credit cards cannot be accepted for the payment of the registration fee. The registration desk will open on Sunday, June 2nd at 5:00 pm.
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