2–7 Jun 2013
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

High efficiency fiber laser systems for wake-field particle accelerators

4 Jun 2013, 16:18
Maria Luisa (Hotel Hermitage)

Maria Luisa

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG1+4


Prof. Jens Limpert Limpert (FSU Jena)


An important driver of scientific progress has always been the envisioning of applications far beyond existing technological capabilities. In the case of laser physics, one of these applications is laser wake-field particle acceleration and possible future uses thereof, such as in collider experiments, or for medical applications such as cancer treatment. To accelerate electrons and positrons to multi-GeV energies, a laser architecture is required that allows for the combination of high efficiency, Petawatt peak powers, and Megawatt average powers. Developing such a laser system would be a challenging task that might take decades of aggressive research, development, and, most important, revolutionary approaches and innovative ideas. In the presentation we will present rare-earth-doped fiber laser based systems for a compact, efficient, scalable, and cost-effective high-average and high-peak power ultra-short pulse laser concept. The proposed approach relies on the spatially and temporally separated amplification of ultrashort laser pulses in waveguide structures, followed by coherent combination into a single train of pulses (or into a programmable multi-pulse structure) and into a single beam with increased average power and pulse energy.

Primary author

Prof. Jens Limpert Limpert (FSU Jena)


Prof. Andreas Tuennermann (FSU Jena, IAP) Mr Arno Klenke (FSU Jena, IAP) Mr Marco Kienel (FSU Jena, IAP) Mr Sven Breitkopf (FSU Jena, IAP) Dr Tino Eidam (FSU Jena, IAP)

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