2–7 Jun 2013
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Fibre Laser Based Dielectric Gratings Accelerator

3 Jun 2013, 15:20
Bonaparte 1 (Hotel Hermitage)

Bonaparte 1

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG3 RF - Electron beams from electromagnetic structures, including dielectric and laser-driven WG3 - Electron beams from electromagnetic structures, including dielectric and laser-driven


Mr Aimidula Aimierding (Cockcroft Institute and The University of Liverpool, UK)


Dielectric laser accelerators (DLA) have great potential for applications, since they can generate acceleration gradients in the range of GeV/m and produce attosecond electron bunches. We numerically investigated the optimum structure dimensions of a dual-gratings accelerator structure made of silicon, the standard material for photolithography fabrication process and compare the accelerating efficiency for the case of asymmetric and symmetric distribution of dielectric and vacuum space. We analytically estimated the laser requirements and propose a suitable power source. Finally, we proposed a new scheme for better beam confinement. The codes CST Microwave Studio and Particle Studio are used for simulations and benchmarked against the VORPAL code.

Primary author

Mr Aimidula Aimierding (Cockcroft Institute and The University of Liverpool, UK)


Prof. Carsten Welsch (Cockcroft Institute and The University of Liverpool, UK) Prof. Kazuyoshi Koyama (Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo, Japan) Dr Mitsuhiro Yoshida (High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK), Japan) Prof. Mitsuru Uesaka (Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo, Japan) Dr Takuya Natsui (High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK), Japan) Dr Yousuke Matsumura (Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

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