2–7 Jun 2013
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Numerical Investigation of Bunch-Driven PWFA in Quasi-Nolinear Regime

4 Jun 2013, 16:55
Elena (Hotel Hermitage)


Hotel Hermitage

talk WG6 theory - Theory and simulations WG6 - Theory and simulations


Dr Pasquale Londrillo (INFN-Bologna (Italy))


In the framework of Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration (PBFA), a new acceleration scheme has been proposed to combine high efficient blow-out regimes, where the driving electron bunch forms a totally rarefied plasma channel, with the conditions assuring resonant excitation of a plasma waves at the linear frequency. This optimal configuration can be achieved by using a train of properly interlaced electron bunches carrying small charges but still having high number density and hence pulse strength nb/n0 > 1, as necessary to form a ”bubble” structure. Here we present a numerical investigation of this quasi-nonlinear configuration using the fully 3D ALaDyn PIC code, as a preparatory work to design optimal conditions for the COMB experimental set-up at the SPARC-LAB laboratories. In particular we consider a bunch train containing three driving bunches with charges Qb=[10−50]pC and energy Eb=50−100MeV, followed by a smaller charge witness bunch. For plasma density n0=10^16cm−3, numerical accuracy is usually assured by a proper resolution of the relevant skin depth d_e≃47μm scale. Here the computation is more demanding, since quasi-nonlinear regimes require a bunch transverse size and beam channel radius rb << d_e

Primary author

Dr Pasquale Londrillo (INFN-Bologna (Italy))


Dr Claudio Gatti (LNF-INFN Frascati (Italy)) Prof. Massimo Ferrario (LNF-INFN Frascati (Italy))

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