9–12 Sept 2013
Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building
Europe/Rome timezone

Low-energy constants and condensates from the V-A spectrum.

12 Sept 2013, 12:50
Aula Amaldi (Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building)

Aula Amaldi

Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma


Prof. Santiago Peris (Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona)


We present an analysis of the isospin-one V-A correlator based on our successful description of the OPAL V and A non-strange spectral data. We discuss the values obtained for the ChPT low-energy constants L_10 and C_87 as well as the dimension-six and eight condensates and compare them with those in the existing literature.

Primary author

Prof. Santiago Peris (Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona)


Dr Diogo Boito (Munich) Prof. Kim Maltman (York Univ.) Prof. Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State U.) Prof. Matthias Jamin (ICREA-IFAE)

Presentation materials