9–12 Sept 2013
Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building
Europe/Rome timezone

Virtual photon-photon scattering

9 Sept 2013, 16:35
Aula Amaldi (Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building)

Aula Amaldi

Dip. di Fisica - "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma - G. Marconi building

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma


Dr Martin Hoferichter (University of Bern)


We present a formalism for the scattering of two photons into a pion pair based on dispersion relations in combination with unitarity, chiral symmetry, and soft-photon constraints. In particular, we discuss the complications that arise due to the analyticity properties of the amplitude if both photons are off-shell, and argue that the dispersive framework can be extended to remain valid even in that case. Such a representation is crucial input for a reduction of model dependence in the light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.

Primary authors

Prof. Gilberto Colangelo (University of Bern) Dr Martin Hoferichter (University of Bern) Dr Massimiliano Procura (University of Bern) Mr Peter Stoffer (University of Bern)

Presentation materials