10–12 apr 2013
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Background suppression in the EDELWEISS-III experiment

11 apr 2013, 12:05
E. Fermi auditorium (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso)

E. Fermi auditorium

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

SS 17 bis, km 18 + 910, 67100 Assergi (AQ), Italy
oral presentation Cosmogenic activation and low background techniques in experiments Session 6: Cosmogenic activation and low background techniques in experiments


Dr. Xavier-François NAVICK (CEA de Saclay)


In dark matter WIMP searches the neutron shielding plays a crucial role in attenuating neutron flux and hence, suppressing nuclear recoil event rate - one of the key background mimicking WIMP interactions. The transition from EDELWEISS-II to EDELWEISS-III with 40 detectors with increased mass and improved background rejection has required the modification of the neutron shielding. In this paper we describe the new neutron shielding design and give an estimate of the expected neutron rate in comparison with the previous stage of the experiment.

Autore principale

Dr. Xavier-François NAVICK (CEA de Saclay)


Materiali di presentazione