
Accademia Pontaniana (Naples - Italy)

Accademia Pontaniana

Naples - Italy

via Mezzocannone 8 80134 Napoli NA Tel.: +39 081 552 5015

Cosa vedere a Napoli, una città senza tempo

CosmoVerse@Naples is the first  CosmoVerseworkshop and aims to bring together observational cosmologists working in probing systematics and in connecting survey physics with the exploration of fundamental physics. The workshop will provide a forum for discussions on different aspects of observational cosmology and how they may connect with the open question of cosmic tensions. One of the core goals of the CosmoVerse Network is to connect observational cosmologists with data analysts and researchers developing new fundamental physics in order to understand how they may nuance the question of cosmic tensions.

This workshop aims to establish a link between the different research areas in observational cosmology with a main focus on possible systematics in recent surveys, and how they connect to the challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data. It will have a format with a limited number of talks, and a strong focus on discussions, as well as time for collaborative work. In order to encourage collaboration and the exchange of concrete ideas, the workshop is being limited to 40 participants.

The CosmoVerseWorkshop@Naples workshop will focus on measurements and systematics related to:

- Large Scale Structure
- Distance Ladder
- Distance Ladder Free H0 Measurements
- Galaxy Clustering
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- High Redshift

The CosmoVerse Network has held two conferences CosmoVerse@Lisbon and CosmoVerse@Krakow which were held in 2023 and 2025 respectively, and there was also a School held in 2024 called CosmoVerseSchool@Corfu. 

This workshop is organized within the COST Action initiative CA21136 - Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics (CosmoVerse). Learn more about CosmoVerse action at

The workshop is organized together with Scuola Superiore Meridionale.


** WARNING: Regarding hotel bookings: conference organizers HAVE NEVER AUTHORISED ANY COMPANY to send any requests regarding accommodation or travel. We strongly advise you NOT TO reply to any emails or calls from such companies and we do not accept any responsibility for adverse consequences should you choose to do so.
Your personal data is safe with us but note that just your name and affiliation appearing at the conference web page is sometimes enough for a scammer to find your contact information at your institute's web page. **




The conference will take place in Naples at Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Via Mezzocannone 4 - google maps link), in the period 21 May - 23 May 2025.


Important dates:

2024 October 18th: Registration and abstract submission opens
2025 February 28th: Registration and abstract submission deadline
2025 May 21st-23rd: Conference days 
2025 May 21st Conference Dinner
2025 May 22nd Public Lecture
