May 21 – 23, 2025
Naples - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Cosa vedere a Napoli, una città senza tempo

CosmoVerse@Naples (21 May - 23 May 2025) is the first annual workshop that aim to establish a forum of discussion that allows to create synergies between the different communities involved in the field of cosmology (theorists, data analysts, and experimentalists), and foster a sustainable network based on interdisciplinary research, without sharp boundaries, in order to confront the growing challenges of tensions in cosmology. CosmoVerse will take a harmonised approach involving all key communities.

This workshop is organized within the COST Action initiative CA21136 - Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics (CosmoVerse). Learn more about CosmoVerse action at

The first conference called CosmoVerse@Lisbon 2023 took place in Lisbon and the second took place in Krakow in 2024. All of the recorded talks and presentations are public at (

This workshop aims to establish a link between the different research areas in cosmology with the main focus on challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data. It will have a format with a limited number of talks, and a strong focus on discussions, as well as time for collaborative work.

The conference is organized together with Scuola Superiore Meridionale and INFN in Naples.


Main topics:

  • Observational cosmology and Systematics (cross-correlation of data, systematic effects)  
  • Data analysis (astrostatistics; data science in astronomy; Bayesian analysis; machine learning and artificial intelligence)  
  • Fundamental Physics (challenge of the cosmological hypothesis, dark energy and modified gravity, neutrino physics, dark energy, and dark matter interaction)


** WARNING: Regarding hotel bookings: conference organizers HAVE NEVER AUTHORISED ANY COMPANY to send any requests regarding accommodation or travel. We strongly advise you NOT TO reply to any emails or calls from such companies and we do not accept any responsibility for adverse consequences should you choose to do so.

Your personal data is safe with us but note that just your name and affiliation appearing at the conference web page is sometimes enough for a scammer to find your contact information at your institute's web page. **

Invited speakers

Name Surname, Affiliation, Country




The conference will take place in Naples at Accademia Pontaniana (Via Mezzocannone 8), in the period 21 May - 23 May 2025.


Important dates:

2024 October 18th: Registration and abstract submission opens
2025 March 30th: Registration and abstract submission deadline
2025 May 21st-23rd: Conference days 
2025 May 21st Conference Dinner
2025 May 22nd Public Lecture

Naples - Italy
Accademia Pontaniana
via Mezzocannone 8 80134 Napoli NA Tel.: +39 081 552 5015
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Registration for this event is currently open.