Tensor network methods have emerged as powerful tools for addressing complex challenges in quantum science, particularly supporting advances in quantum computing and technologies. In this talk, I will discuss recent developments in tensor network techniques across various domains. First, I will highlight how the integration of hyper-optimized contraction protocols into tensor network...
Quantum computers are a promising platforms to efficiently simulate systems hard to tackle on classical machines. An important challenge to overcome is the efficient control of errors that, if left undisturbed, make quantum simulations useless. A solution to this challenge is quantum error correction, that exploiting redundancy is able to correct errors. In this talk I will explore the...
Quantum many-body scarring (QMBS) is an intriguing mechanism of ergodicity breaking that has recently spurred significant attention. Particularly prominent in Abelian lattice gauge theories (LGTs), an open question is whether QMBS nontrivially arises in non-Abelian LGTs. Here, we present evidence of robust QMBS in a non-Abelian SU(2) LGT with dynamical matter. Starting in product states that...
We show that a viable route to generate strongly-interacting chiral phases can exploit the interplay between onsite interactions and flux frustration for bosons in dimerized lattices with pi-flux. By constructing an effective theory, we demonstrate how this setting favours the spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry. This can lead to the realization of the long-sought chiral Mott...
The homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation (hBSE) [1], which models a bound system within a fully relativistic quantum field theory, has been solved for the first time using a D-Wave quantum annealer [2]. Following standard discretization methods, the hBSE in the ladder approximation can be reformulated as a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP) involving two square matrices, one symmetric and...
Classical shadows are a versatile tool to probe many-qubit quantum systems, consisting of a
combination of randomised measurements and classical post-processing computations. In a recently
introduced version of the protocol, the randomization step is performed via unitary circuits of
variable depth t, defining the so-called shallow shadows. For sufficiently large t, this approach...
Simulating the low-temperature properties of frustrated quantum Ising models is a paradigmatic problem in condensed matter physics. It has recently gained strong interest in the context of quantum-enhanced optimization performed via quantum annealers and of quantum simulation in Rydberg-atom experiments.
We use a recently-developed self-learning projection quantum Monte Carlo algorithm...
In recent years, much research has investigated the potentialities of quantum computers, ranging from physical implementations to comparisons with well-known algorithms of classical computation.
I would like to present a quantum algorithm to measure quantities related to scattering theory: reflection and transmission amplitudes of a quantum particle interacting with a short-ranged...
We benchmark Quantum TEA, a simulation framework developed as well with the support of the INFN quantum initiative and INFN infrastructure. Quantum TEA supports both digital, analog, and quantum-inspired quantum simulation on classical hardware. The simulations of many-body quantum systems run on heterogeneous hardware platforms using CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs. We compare different linear algebra...
We present two examples of the application of stochastic calculus in quantum computing.
The first example involves simulating quantum circuits in the presence of noise using classical computers. Instead of directly solving the Lindblad master equation, we utilize its stochastic unravelling to model a random evolution of the state vector. This approach enables us to incorporate noise effects...
Singlet fission (SF) is an electronic transition that in the last decade has been under the spotlight for its applications in optoelectronics, from photovoltaics to spintronics. Despite considerable experimental and theoretical advancements, optimising SF in extended solids remains a challenge, due to the complexity of its analysis beyond perturbative methods. Here, we tackle the case of 1D...
Tensor network methods are a family of numerical techniques that efficiently compress the information of quantum many-body systems while accurately capturing their important physical properties. Here, we present a tensor-network-based toolbox developed for constructing the quantum many-body states at thermal equilibrium. Using this framework, we probe classical correlations as well as...
Bell’s inequality represent a cornerstone in our understanding of quantum theory, as they allow to prove the quantum mechanics is non-local and no hidden variable theory can give the same results.
While known to the community, it is often not highlighted the role of non-stabilizerness, often dubbed magic, in the violation of Bell’s inequalities.
In our work we show how much...