Selected oral and poster contributions will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference in a dedicated AIP volume (
Presenters must submit an electronic version of their manuscript at the conference registration desk or by e-mail ( by June 8th. Invited speakers may send their contribution by June 22nd, 2012.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript following the instructions and templates contained in the 6x9 inch format booklet availble on the AIP Conference Proceedings site ( The manuscripts must be black and white, any supplied color graphics will be converted to black and white.
The length of the manuscript must not exceed 8 pages.
Upon submission, authors must fill in and sign also the Transfer of Copyright Agreement ( and, if necessary, the Request for Permission to Reprint Published Material ( forms.
Speakers are kindly requested to check the time allotted for their talk in the attached programme. The updated programme, including the last minute changes, is available on the Conference web-site (
All speakers are asked to transfer their presentations (MS Power Point or PDF) one day before their talk or early in the morning. The Conference room is equipped with a MS Windows 7 laptop with MS Power Point 2007 and Acrobat Reader.POSTER PRESENTATIONS
The poster session is scheduled on Thursday, June 7th at 10:50-11:35 and at 15:25-16:15.
Posters should be presented in A0 format (841 × 1189 mm) and should be affixed prior to the poster session. They have to be removed by Thursday evening. The boards for displaying posters will be marked with a poster code. Please, check in the Book of Abstracts the code given to your poster.
The Book of Abstracts is available on the website of the conference.
Selected oral and poster contributions will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference in a dedicated AIP volume (
Presenters must submit an electronic version of their manuscript at the conference registration desk or by e-mail ( by June 8th. Invited speakers may send their contribution by June 22nd, 2012.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript following the instructions and templates contained in the 6x9 inch format booklet availble on the AIP Conference Proceedings site ( The manuscripts must be black and white, any supplied color graphics will be converted to black and white.
The length of the manuscript must not exceed 8 pages.
Upon submission, authors must fill in and sign also the Transfer of Copyright Agreement ( and, if necessary, the Request for Permission to Reprint Published Material ( forms.