06–08 giu 2012
Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Europe/Rome fuso orario
The conference will be held at the I.N.F.N. Laboratori Nazionali of Legnaro (Padova, Italy) in the frame of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the foundation by the Padova University of the “Laboratorio dell’Acceleratore di Ioni di Legnaro” (1961) as an initiative of Prof. A. Rostagni with the installation of a 5.5 MV CN Van de Graaff Accelerator to contribute to the promotion and the development of nuclear physics researches in Italy. As a result of the agreement between the University of Padova and the I.N.F.N (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) signed in 1968, the Legnaro Laboratory became the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro providing a national facility serving as focal point in the development of fundamental and applied nuclear physics in Italy achieving during the years the status of a Large international Nuclear Facility as shown by the installation of various ion beam accelerators (the 2MV AN2000 Accelerator operational in 1971, the 16 MV XTU Tandem Accelerator operational in 1981 and the ALPI Superconducting LINAC operational in 1991). Since the beginning, the Laboratory mission was conceived not only for fundamental research in nuclear physics but also for applications in multidisciplinary fields, recognizing that ion beam techniques are a key element for the exchange of scientific knowledge in complex studies. As a matter of facts, ion beams are extensively used in many scientific disciplines to analyze, test and transform the physical and chemical properties of many organic and inorganic materials. Furthermore a large activity is present in radiation biophysics, dosimetry and radiation detector development.

The Laboratori Nazionali of Legnaro (LNL) is recognized as an international centre with active research programs emphasizing ion beam analysis, materials science, radiation biophysics, dosimetry, environmental physics and surface modification by ion beams. The centre has a pretty large interdisciplinary research equipment developed in the last 50 years including three ion accelerators devoted to interdisciplinary studies, which deliver several thousands beam-time hours per year to external and internal users. At present about 50 national and international user groups are using the interdisciplinary facilities in the following scientific areas: Radiation Interaction and Damage, Surface Modification, Materials Science, Nuclear Data Acquisition and Analysis, Ion Beam Analysis and Channeling, Environmental Sciences, Art and Archaeology, Dosimetry, Microdosimetry, Nanodosimetry, Radiation Biophysics and Medicine.
Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Sala Villi
Viale dell'Universita' 2, 35020 Legnaro PD Italy
  • Renato Angelo (Chair) Ricci
  • Valentino (Co-Chair and Scientific Secretary) Rigato