Marco Ciuchini
12/04/2012, 14:15
Presentazione 20 minuti
An intense experimental activity in flavor physics is programmed for the next decade. I discuss why and how this activity could contribute to the global effort of going beyond the Standard Model.
Andrea Messina
12/04/2012, 14:35
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 20 minuti
A preliminary combination of Standard Model Higgs boson searches with the ATLAS experiment, in a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 to 4.9 fb−1 of pp collision
data collected at √s = 7 TeV at the LHC, is presented. A Standard Model Higgs boson is excluded at the 95% confidence level (CL) in the mass ranges
from 110.0 GeV to 117.5 GeV, 118.5 GeV to 122.5 GeV, and 129...
Emanuele Di Marco
12/04/2012, 14:55
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 20 minuti
The methods and results of the searches for the Standard Model scalar
boson predicted by the Higgs mechanism will be described. The analysis
is based on 5 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected with the
CMS detector at LHC at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy in 2011. The
results of these searches exclude at 95% CL a large Higgs boson mass
range. At low mass, between approximately the...
Federico Sforza
(Sezione INFN e Universita' di Pisa)
12/04/2012, 15:15
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 15 minuti
We present the result of the search for a low mass Higgs boson
produced in association with a $W$ boson at a center-of-mass energy of
$\sqrt{s}=$1.96~TeV with the CDF detectors at the Tevatron
$p\bar{p}$ collider. The analysis is performed on the complete CDF dataset
(9.4~fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity) in events containing
one lepton, transverse energy imbalance and two or three...
Michela Biglietti
12/04/2012, 15:27
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 15 minuti
We report the recent results for the Standard Model Higgs Boson searches using 4.7 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions data at sqrt(s)=7TeV, recorded with
the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis considers decay channels H->WW->lvlv and H->WW->lvjj where l = (e or mu) with final
states containing charged leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy. The event selection,...
Riccardo Manzoni
(Milano Bicocca)
12/04/2012, 15:45
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 12 minuti
The analysis performed on the data collected by CMS during 2011, has excluded at 95%
CL the possible existence of a SM-like Higgs boson in most of the mass region that has
been explored, except for a window from 110 to 128 Gev/c2
In the search for a light Higgs boson, the di- nal state plays a crucial role, thanks to
its sizeable branching ratio and to the expected relatively low...
Alessandro Strumia
12/04/2012, 15:55
Presentazione 20 minuti
I discuss implications of recent data that hints for an Higgs boson at 125 GeV
for Higgs properties, for the meta-stability of the SM vacuum, and for supersymmetry
Gianluca Blankenburg
(Università Roma Tre - CERN)
12/04/2012, 16:15
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 12 minuti
Gli esperimenti ATLAS e CMS a LHC hanno recentemente segnalato l'osservazione di un possibile eccesso di eventi corrispondenti ad una nuova particella h di massa circa 125 GeV che potrebbe essere il tanto cercato bosone di Higgs, o qualcos'altro. Per identificare la natura di questo possibile segnale bisognerà però studiare gli accoppiamenti di h e misurarli in modo più accurato possibile. In...
Giuseppe Bozzi
(Università di Milano e INFN)
12/04/2012, 16:55
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 20 minuti
Dopo una rassegna sui principali metodi di calcolo perturbativo
utilizzati nello studio delle osservabili elettrodeboli ai collisori
adronici, verranno presentati alcuni recenti risultati di
fenomenologia della produzione di Higgs e Bosoni Vettori.
Roberto Tenchini
12/04/2012, 17:15
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 20 minuti
Si discute lo stato della fisica sperimentale del quark top, passando in rassegna alcuni risultati recenti. In particolare vengono presentate le misure della sezione d'urto di produzione di coppie ttbar e di top singolo in collisioni adroniche alle piu' alte energie. Si discutono inoltre le piu' recenti misure della massa del top ed il loro impatto sui test di precisione elettrodeboli. Vengono...
Alberto Mengarelli
12/04/2012, 17:35
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 12 minuti
In this talk it is presented a measurement of the ZZ → llll production cross section performed by the ATLAS detector in LHC proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV. Three ZZ decay channels are considered, eeee, eeμμ or μμμμ, including e or μ leptons produced in the τ decay of the Z’s. The results are based on an integrated luminosity of 4.7fb−1 collected by ATLAS in 2011 with a fully...
Andrea Schizzi
12/04/2012, 17:45
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 12 minuti
The measurement of W and Z plus jets final states allows for stringent tests of perturbative QCD calculations in the contest of the Standard Model and is sensitive to the possible presence of new physics. A study of jet production in association with a vector boson in proton-proton collisions at a 7 TeV center-of-mass energy is presented, using data collected with the CMS detector. The...
Giacomo Polesello
12/04/2012, 17:55
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 20 minuti
The ATLAS and CMS experiments have used the
LHC data collected in 2011 to search for signals
of physics beyond the Standard Model.
We review the strategy adopted by the experiments,
and summarize the main result with special
emphasis on searches for supersymmetric models and
on recent results based on the full 2011 statistics.
Francesco Romeo
12/04/2012, 18:15
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 12 minuti
A search for high mass resonances decaying into tau pairs is presented using a data
sample of pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb−1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The number of observed events is in good agreement with the standard model prediction so an upper limit on the resonance
producion cross section is calculated.
Elisa Guido
12/04/2012, 18:25
Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre
Presentazione 15 minuti
We report on the search for charged long-lived heavy particles,
predicted by several theories beyond the Standard Model. Such
particles are potentially detectable at the LHC, given either their
anomalous dE/dx loss measurable in the ATLAS Pixel detector, or their
slow motion (beta<1) which can be detected by the Tile Calorimeter,
or even their possible muon-likeness identified by the...