11–13 Apr 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

The CMS ECAL performance and the impact on the Higgs searches in the di-photon final state

11 Apr 2012, 19:00
Chiostro (Ferrara)



Rettorato dell'Università di Ferrara Via Savonarola 9
Poster Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre Sessione poster


Shervin Nourbakhsh (Roma1)


The di-photon final state is a fundamental channel in the search of the SM Higgs boson and the current status of the analysis will be described together with the most recent results. The method used to measure the energy resolution of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) with a pure sample of electrons and the performance obtained with 2011 data together with the prospectives for the 2012 will be described.

Primary author

Shervin Nourbakhsh (Roma1)

Presentation materials

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