11–13 Apr 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

Ricerca di Higgs a CMS

12 Apr 2012, 14:55
Aula Magna (Ferrara)

Aula Magna


Rettorato dell'Università di Ferrara Via Savonarola 9
Presentazione 20 minuti Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre Modello Standard e oltre


Emanuele Di Marco (Caltech)


The methods and results of the searches for the Standard Model scalar boson predicted by the Higgs mechanism will be described. The analysis is based on 5 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at LHC at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy in 2011. The results of these searches exclude at 95% CL a large Higgs boson mass range. At low mass, between approximately the limit set by LEP experiments, 115 GeV and about 130 GeV, we observe some excess in the data that will be described.

Primary author

Emanuele Di Marco (Caltech)

Presentation materials