Sara Valentinetti
An accurate measurement of the delivered luminosity is a key com- ponent of the ATLAS physics program. For cross-section measurements of Standard Model processes, the uncertainty on the delivered luminosity is one of the relevant systematic uncertainties. Searches for new physics also rely on accurate information about the delivered luminosity to eval- uate background levels and determine sensitivity to new physics signa- tures. The evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors (LUCID, BCM, TILECAL and FCAL) and different algorithms. The general method for calibrating the ATLAS lu- minosity scale is based on dedicated van der Meer scans (also called beam separation or luminosity scan). The results of 2011 van der Meer scans as well as the systematic uncertainties on the luminosity calibration are here presented. The impact of the luminosity determination on the mea- surement of the elastic and total cross section performed by the forward detector ALFA is also discussed.
Primary author
Sara Valentinetti